About the Fair
The City Christmas Fair has taken place every winter for 21 years, giving guests the opportunity to enjoy a day of luxurious shopping and unique events – all while supporting women’s health research.
2024 Welcome from Jane Jones and Nicky Milner, Joint Chair
We are delighted to be welcoming you back to the magnificent Drapers’ Hall.
How thrilled we are to be back at Drapers’ Hall and even more exciting this year to be able to see the Jonathan Yeo portrait of HM King Charles III hanging in situ as commissioned by Past Master William Charnely on behalf of the Drapers’ Company to mark 50 years of His Majesty’s membership of the Company.
Having held the Fair at Drapers’ Hall for over 20 years, we would like to express our thanks to the Master, the Clerk and all their staff for continuing to make us so welcome.
Thank you to everyone who came to last year’s City Christmas Fair. We had a wonderful day and were thrilled to have raised a record breaking £90,000 for Wellbeing of Women. In this, the 60th anniversary year of the charity we hope you will support us once again, in raising even more funds to support the invaluable work of Wellbeing of Women.
We are most grateful to our Patron, Lady Parmley, to our Ambassadors and to all our sponsors and donors for their hard work, encouragement and support, without which we could not have continued to bring the Fair to the City of London
This year we are delighted to be welcoming some exciting new exhibitors, as well as many old favourites. We hope that you will join us on Monday 2nd December to enjoy a day of festive shopping in the splendid surroundings of Drapers Hall. Come and listen to the choir, enter the raffle, place a bid or two in the silent auction, where we have some spectacular prizes and of course join us for a glass of fizz at the Champagne Bar.
As for our committee, they are the backbone of the Fair. None of this would have been achieved without their hard work and dedication throughout the course of the year. It is a great team effort – a huge thank you to you all.
Jane and Nicky
Lady Parmley
The Countess of Portland
Lady Lyons
Lady Russell
City Christmas Fair Committee
Joint Chair
Mrs Jane Jones
Mrs Nicky Milner
Vice Chair
Mrs Nicky Caxton-Spencer
Mrs Clare Elliott (Secretary)
Mrs Janine Monro Morrison
Mrs Melanie Pearson
Committee Members
Mrs Clare Macnamara
Mrs Sally North
Mrs Sarah Rutherford
Mrs Alison Shepherd
Mrs Fiona Deal
Mrs Jayne Everett
Mrs Samantha Gurney
Mrs Debs Hargreaves
Friends of the City Christmas Fair
Ms Caroline Armstrong
Mrs Alice Atkinson
Ms Gillian Austin
Ms Helen Banks
Ms Caroline Barkham
Ms Linda Barnard
Mr Nick Bence-Trower
Sir Victor Blank OBE
Dr Sarah Bower
Mrs Elizabeth Browne
Mrs Sally Burton DL
Mrs Nicky Byrom
Mr Iain Cameron
Mrs Laura Charkin
Ms Sukrita Chatterji
Mrs Sarah Chesser
Ms Judy Chilton
Mrs Hannah Constantinidi
Mrs Wendy Cooke
Mr Julian Copeman
Mrs Claudia Coulson
Ms Jane Craig
Mrs Cinzia de Jong
Mrs Pamela Deal
Mr Stephen Denby
Ms Isabelle Diethelm
Ms Belinda Dickson OBE
Mrs Clare Duffield
Mrs Sandra Dunn
Mrs Nicky Everall
Mrs Michelle Feeney
Mrs Debs Fellows
Mrs Claire Fisher
Mr William Fisher
Ms Cordelia Fleming
Mr Ronnie Fox
Mrs Jennifer Freestone
Mrs Alice Fresson
Mrs Lucy Gemmell
Mrs Mary Goodall
Mr Alastair Gossage
Ms Charlotte Green
Mrs Maryla Green
Mrs Randi Greenlees
Ms Fiona Hathorn
Mrs Elizabeth Hayhurst
Mr Nick Herrtage
Lady Marina Hobson
Mrs Melanie Honnor
Ms Charlotte Howell
Ms Rebecca Hunt
Ms Justine Ireland
Mrs Vanessa James
Ms Sarah Jensen
Ms Christine John
Mr & Mrs Christopher Jones
Mrs Sue Keighley
Ms Janine Kochman
Mrs Carol Leonard
Mrs Melissa Longley
Mrs Ali Love
Ms Nicholette Macdonald Brown
Ms Emma Mactaggart
Mr Paul Mahony
Mr Charles Marment
Mr Henry McAlister
Mrs Hazel McAlister
Ms Claire Mellon
Mr Sam Melluish
Ms Fiona Micallef-Eynaud
Mrs Claire Mills
Ms Sophie Milner
Ms Mary Mortimer
Miss Jo Moss
Lady Mulcahy
Ms MoNoonan
Mr Jonathan Oatley
Mrs Laura O'Grady
Ms Abigail O'Halloran
Ms Janice Okuns
Mrs Rosianne Pack
Lady Laura Paul
Ms Kate Payne
Mrs Jennie Peel
Ms Shona Prendergast
Miss Eve Pollard OBE
Mrs Miranda Richards
Mr Chris Ritchie
Ms Gillian Rivers
Mrs Melanie Roberts
Ms Annette Rowe
Mrs Judy Rowley
Mrs Janine Roxborough Bunce
Mr Edward Russell
Mrs Sarah Schutte
Mrs Alison Seaton
Ms Olivia Seaton
Ms Elizabeth Sebag-Montefiore
Lady Sarah Setchell
Dr Emily Shepherd
Ms Katrina Shoobert
Mrs Anthony Simpson
Mrs Helen Skinner
Mrs Susanna Soames
Mr Rod Sparks
Ms Tamsin Sridhara
Mrs Niks Stocks
Ms Camilla Sutton
Ms Nina Swallow
Ms Laura Sykes
Mrs Louisa Taylor
Mr Mark TerHaar
The Countess of Leicester
Ms Char Tongue
Ms Irina Udalova
Mrs Caroline Vaughan
Mrs Mo Vickers
Mrs Lizzie Vyvyan-Robinson
Mrs Angela Waddingham
Mrs Amanda Walsham
Mrs Celia Waring
Mrs Suzanne White
Colonel Richard Winstanley OBE
Mrs Biz Wormersley